Micro weddings for meaningful moments - image of wedding table set for 12 people on green background

Firstly, what is a micro wedding?


A buzzword made famous in C-times (COVID not Christmas!), a beautiful and sentimental trend that was forced upon many couples but has continued into our ‘new normal’ and here at TDD we are still loving them, 4 years on!

A happy medium between an intimate elopment and an all-out affair, a micro wedding typically has no more than 50 attendees, limited to the couple’s nearest and dearest. Whether this is close family only, or a combo of family and friends, it allows you to swap the rushed hugs and feelings of overwhelm with authentic enjoyment and meaningful moments that will stay with you both forever.

What are the pros?

Lower Budget

Of course, there’s the obvious reduction in costs; fewer people means less spending, but also allows you to maximise your budget. Scaling down on size doesn’t mean you have to scale down on the things that are most important to you!

Quality over quantity

Almost all of the micro weddings we have created florals for have gone big on blooms, big on entertainment and big on food; from artisan canapes to high-end meals and epic drinks varieties, it’ll be quality over quantity every time!

Reducing the numbers gives you more scope for creativity and personality – catering en-mass reduces your options, so of course, catering for intimate numbers does the complete opposite.

Micro Weddings For Meaningful Moments - Round table set for 8 people at wedding breakfast

Alternative venues

You’ll also open up so many venue options with a smaller guest list; whether it’s your local pub, the restaurant where you had your first date or a treehouse-style venue in the mountains, the possibilities are literally endless.

Less stress

Less stress is a sure thing! Planning, organising and coordinating a large event with large numbers is tough, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a smaller wedding means less stress.

By keeping numbers small you are reducing the room for error, as well as making the actual planning and coordination sooo much easier!

Wedding flowers

Now back to the blooms; whether you go huuuuge or delicately dainty, you know that they’ll be lovingly adored by your closest family and friends.

One of our recent micro-wedding brides handed a table centre or meadow piece to every lady who left the wedding at the end of the night, and of course, there was plenty to go around!

Micro Weddings For Meaningful Moments - wedding table centres, jam jars filled with flowers set down the centre of a long wedding table

What are the cons?

Smaller guestlist 

Of course, there are the obvious difficult decisions around the guestlist, but surprisingly, every couple who we’ve spoken to about this says that they actually found the dreaded guestlist chat much easier than expected.

When you’re only inviting your nearest and dearest the circles are usually clearly defined, so there’s no domino effect invitations required.

To be honest, we struggled to find any more cons, which speaks volumes!

To Summarise Micro Weddings

In the world of weddings, trends quickly come and go, but micro-weddings certainly seem to be sticking. So, if the thought of saying your vows in front of every man and his dog makes you nauseous, maybe a micro-wedding is exactly what you need.

Here at TDD we are massive advocates for doing your wedding your way, and will always champion that.

If a micro wedding is something you fancying, get in touch to arrange a consultation and we can get those ideas flowing!

Micro Weddings For Meaningful Moments - Wedding ceremony laid out with white theme and green leaves